Oct 292015

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POLLYESTER are punk and press phenomenon, favorite band and fancier crew, disco and Dada. Even James Murphy and Alex Kapranos agree with that, and those guys should know. After the marvellous “In My Boots” EP, the collective now sends “CATRINA“, a fascination born homage to the patron saint of “Dia De Los Muertes”. During these days the band is sojourning in Puebla (Mexico), in order to ban the local rites, solemnities and to us often strangely appearing ceremonies on tape and audio. In the meantime we are listening intently to the mesmerising adaptions of those finely selected sound creators, which have been conjured for this 12″.

ABE DUQUE’s remix compresses the beats downwards, stompy, reduced NY Ghost House is the attitude. Shadowy flakes of Polly’s voice echo through the background, a 303 seeks its way to the surface, where classic disco strings are already waiting to merge in pollyphonic beatitude.

HUGO CAPABLANCA has been a preferred candidate from the start. The disco edit and cosmic dub priest breathes in a touch of Caribbean voodoo magic. Percussions are rattling bewitchingly, purposefully selected bells and a mumbling bass line drive his more melodic variation forward.

The by far most sinister version comes from THE EMPEROR MACHINE, who has interpreted the track’s underlying message in its darkest form. Functional techno, almost in a Detroit apparel, pervaded with classic electro patterns. He radiates furthest from the original and transcends the floor burner “Catrina” into a peak time moment for a dark after hour club.


Tracklisting Digital
1. Catrina – Album Version – 04:36
2. Catrina – Abe Duque Remix – 06:46
3. Catrina – Emperor Machine Remix – 11:54
4. El Dub de la Noche – Hugo Capablanca – 05:55

Tracklisting 12″
A1. Catrina – Emperor Machine Remix – 11:54
AA1. Catrina – Abe Duque Remix – 06:46
AA2. El Dub de la Noche – Hugo Capablanca – 05:55

Mar 032015

After the mindblowing record release party at the Kammerspiele Theatre in Munich, Pollyester have announced their tourdates for the upcoming months, including venues all over Germany, in Paris and at the MELT festival:

12.02. Zürich, Penthouse Gallery
14.02. Darmstadt, Foyer im Staatstheater
20.02. Mannheim, Nationaltheater Werkhaus
21.02. Murnau, Westtorhalle
28.02. München, Kammerspiele
05.03. Paris, Gibus
11.03. Dresden, Altes Wettbüro
12.03. Leipzig, Goldhorn
13.03. Kassel, Unten
14.03. Essen, Hotel Shanghai
27.03. Hamburg, Nachtasyl
28.03. Hamburg, MS Stubnitz
04.04. Stuttgart, Rampe
27.04. Linz, Crossing all Europe Festval
30.04. Nürnberg, K4
29.05. Hamburg, Golem
13.06. Berlin, Bassy Club, Torstrassen Festival
27.06. Innsbruck, Das Grand Motel Festival
16.07. Gräfenhainichen, Melt
18.07. Puch, Puch Open Air Festival
Feb 042015

I warned you all about this incoming storm.

The new Pollyester album is flying through the atmosphere like a storm of pink and gold glitter. It gets on everything. There’s something properly addictive about this album. It’s shiny. It’s glossy. It’s catchy as hell. It’s stand-alone pieces of perfection that are joined together by The Polly Effect (that wind of wordy melodies that counter-attack strong riffs and rhythms).

The beginning of the album is a slap in the face. The first three songs are basically candidates to make a new Concierge d’Amour coup d’état. I hope people pick up on the construction of 2328626 and the proper perfection of In My Boots. It’s such a fantastic sound…  Then we have Father’s eyes, which has such great You are Amen nostalgia in it…

*super cheesy scratching sound of interrupted vinyl lecture*

Ok you know what? I’ll stop comparing City of O to the first two albums, right now. It’s easy and not very clever, considering how different the eponymous album and Earthly Powers are.

Let’s do a Pollyester recap, shall we? Three albums, three ways of mixing colours together.

Pollyester by Pollyester (the yellow album, as I affectionnately call it) is all about jazz and crazy basslines and playfulness. It’s very punky, in a way. It doesn’t care what you think. How does it mixes colours? It’s a light show. Bold gestures of saturated colours bouncing together to generate lighter hues. Dark zones that grasp your attention and surexposition. The key to generating beauty is in the timing, the beautiful accidents and how a black-out (or a silence) can lead to the punchline, sometimes.

Earthly Powers is all about slapping you in the face with puns-based clever poems, while its music caresses you. The production of the album itself is way more complex, leaving room for kick-ass add-ons (djembe parties, chords, and all that jazz). How does it mixes colours? It takes coloured liquids of different densities, put them in a glass jar, shakes its content and watch as starlike speckles of liquid flirt with one another and slowly soften into clean lines.

City of O… is a different level of playfulness. It’s matured. It’s years and years of party craze and experience. It’s dance hits meet cosmic ballads, but glossier. There’s an addictive agent in this album. So, this one, how does it mixes colours? It’s watercolours, of course. Sharp experimented lines that are blended together with expertise to reveal a very well-planned realism and beauty.

Could City of O be the album of the Golden Age of Pollyester? I hope this album makes it big enough that people learn of Pollyester through it, and then go back in history and discover the other two albums. That would be awesome. It’s a beautiful Triptych. (Source: Émilie Gendron / http://munichagain.tumblr.com/)

Dec 112014

Watch the brand new Pollyester video here:

The song “Change Hands” is the first release from the upcoming Pollyester album “City of O.” which will be dropped January, 30th 2015 via Disko B/Schamoni Musik!